Saturday, August 11, 2012

Babuji Maharaj’s Views On Man And Fake Spiritual Leaders

God is one,all agree.What is about His creation?The majority says that God denotes Unity and His creation stands for Diversity.But we cannot ignore a typical fact that God has never created similar persons and things.Twins or even more may be there,still they all are different from one another .Despite 99% similarity,there is some mark to differentiate them.So,it is a fact beyond doubt that as He is one,He has created only one of one type.Moreover,if we observe closely,we will find that every man has gone far away from Unity(God)thereby creating a lot of diversities in himself.Originally man was like God ,but as he turned his back towards God and face towards worldly allurements,he added materialism resulting in complexities and diversities.The number in all categories is increasing continuously indicating an abnormal increase in the population of the world.With the passage of time,we too are standing at a point far away from the creator(God).Perhaps we have reached the last limits of increase or expansion as we mostly are facing frustration and feeling fed up with the present situation-in turn looking back towards our Origin(God)thereby getting relief in return.
The increase in frustration is to some extent a result of indulgence in materialism which is pushing humanity far away from God who is the main source of happiness and calmness.The other important reason of frustration  arises when we find that there are numerous religions telling their own ways and methods to reach God.A question troubles us very much that when there is only one Truth,one Reality,then why are there so many different religions in the world?The answer is that different religions spring forth from difference in cultures,still if looked at closely,all religions have a basic code of conduct,morality,ethics etc.which are relatively similar because all of them teach us that love for and dependency on God will keep everyone happy.The different religions do not matter so much as we feel more upset when we find that in one sect,after the departure of its spiritual leader from this world,so many followers become spiritual leaders advocating and propagating their own methods different from the original one
It is a fact that a simple prayer to God gives us relief in all situations while love for  God becomes an impetus for us to find means and methods to Return Back To Homeland(God).But this all is possible provided the mushroom-growth of fake spiritual  leaders do not create  a state of confusion which even attempts to cover up Reality.A question arises why and how such followers become spiritual leaders with their  either own ideologies or propagating the method with enough deviation from the original?There are a few reasons for consideration in this respect as under---

  1. The understanding of persons is different which often becomes the cause of confusion;
  2. Those who follow the original method,reach the goal at the earliest.Most of the persons,even after knowing that the current leader has changed the original method,do not either have courage to speak or remain reluctant to the changes.This is human nature to-day.
  3. On enquiry ,the current spiritual leader generally says that he has done the changes in confirmation with dictates received by his conscience from the Higher, i.e., getting orders from the Original Guru/guide..On such versions once Pujya Babuji Maharaj told,"Persons who claim that they have made their conscience as their guru ,are under a wrong notion because the fact is that not the conscience but their ego becomes their guru which leads to undesirable results."
  4. By following a wrong or changed way, the result is that followers, instead of Returning Back To Homeland(God), go back to the troublesome situations from which they wanted to get rid of.
  5. The changes done in the original method may also be intentional to gain personal fame and thereby deriving material benefits.
Now a question arises that what should be done to arrive at a correct result?It is better to follow the saying of Pujya Babuji Maharaj ,''Please do not take any thing for granted even if God in human form comes and says that He is God unless and until He makes you understand according to your level of wisdom that why and how He is so.'This will develop clarity in understanding which will tell us about the fake spiritual leader from whom one should get rid of soon".
God has created only one and not two means that He has created everybody with all His powers and capacities but we are unaware of them as they are in dormant state.These powers and capacities became dormant because we moved far away from the creator(God)and they will get awakened gradually as we start returning back to the creator(God).If one knows the original method with which he is fully satisfied,one should continue to follow the original.On pressure by the new spiritual leader to follow the changed version,it is better to leave such leader.
God has given independence of thought and action. We can think and act as we like. We should not develop fear that we will be put to any harm if we leave a wrong leader or a so-called guru. God looks and takes care of all like a mother and thus nobody can harm a right man.God will create a situation for His lovers to move on the correct way . The persons who are misleading others for their personal benefits derail from the right path and Nature/God punishes such fake spiritual leaders.
Today there are numerous religion with many spiritual gurus beating their drums putting burden on the shoulders of the followers to do right and to become right with generally a negligible help from these so -called gurus .Everyday we find that a new guru is born to mislead the innocent majority.Now a question arises that how to find out the best spiritual guide? According to Babuji Maharaj,"   one should pray the Almighty with love in heart to provide him the best guide and the best method to attain God Realisation. It is a well tested and acknowledged way that such man may not get guru and method throughout his life,but if he gets them,be 100% sure that the spiritual guide and his method will be the best.The real spiritual guru takes total responsibility of an abhyasi with the only condition that the abhyasi keeps himself attached with the Divine thought. Such a guide never overburdens the abhyasi with do's and dont"s."
Babuji Maharaj has been such a spiritual guide who helped the abhyasi by his transmission power of Divine Grace . The exceptional thing with Babuji Maharaj is that he never treated himself a guru rather he used to say and has also written in his book"Reality at Dawn", "God is the real guru or Master and we get light from Him alone. But as it is extremely difficult for a man of ordinary talent to draw inspiration from God direct, we seek one of our fellow beings who has established his connection with Almighty. He must, therefore, treat himself as the humblest servant of God serving humanity in the name of the Great Master . All through his (Lalaji)life, he treated his associates as brethren. The idea that they were his disciples never once crossed his mind. I think and feel it as an essential thing for a guru to give up his masterly position and feel himself an ordinary servant of humanity. If he feels himself as a Master and hence far    above his associates , it will be Ahankar (ego) of the worst type in a guru."

God,being the only guru,was- is and will remain forever as H e is immortal. A Divine personality, like Pujya Babuji Maharaj, comes in human form to do some Divine work and even after leaving the physical form, He remains at work till completion of the work for which He is sent by the center(Bhooma). We are the mortal beings and have to leave physical form some day. we come to this world with a promise to God to return back to Him, but we indulge ourselves in worldly allurements so much that we forget our promise every time and this has been the reason that we have gone far away from God.We can get rid of the process of birth and death by Returning back to our Homeland(God).

Now it is evident that we are  neither superior nor inferior to anybody because we all are equal in capacities,understanding,power and faculties.There is only a difference of degree on account of different levels of awakening of self. We should love one another because we all are one as we are from one and by one. If we follow the sayings of Babuji Maharaj, there is no chance to be led by fake  spiritual leaders. We should not hesitate the least in leaving the fake spiritual leaders .It is better to have no guide instead of following a fake guru because God, being the only guru, cares and loves all of us like a mother whether we are attentive to Him or not. The increase in such way of living will ensure that only a single spiritual way to attain God Realisation is left in the world in the near future.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

BABUJI MAHARAJ's VIEWS on Duration of Time in Puja(Mediation)

Generally it has been noticed that the abhyasis feel upset if they do not sit in meditation for an hour. If an abhyasi sits in  meditation for an hour or more, he feels that his puja that day has been very good. This indicates that clock consciousness is more dominant in their minds which does not permit even love for Divine to remain there. This is misinterpretation of what Babuji Maharaj wanted.

Once I asked Babuji Maharaj, "Please tell me Sir, why you have put a limitation of time of minimum one hour for meditation?" Babuji Maharaj replied, "A new abhyasi when sits in meditation, I know that it is difficult for him to sit in meditation for an hour but still it is prescribed because in first 15 to 20 minutes, the abhyasi settles himself in meditation and only after that he starts feeling about Divine. However an hour does not mean time according to a clock because otherwise the abhyasi's attention will remain diverted more towards the clock instead of love for GOD. This actually means that before closing the eyes, the abhyasi should take a simple thought of Divine presence with love for Him in the heart and as there is Divine help in the form of transmission of Divine Grace, the abhyasi will himself feel preferring to close eyes and continue the meditation. The abhyasi should make efforts to sit in meditation for maximum possible time and moreover when abhyasi starts feeling satisfied, it is an indication from GOD that presently the spiritual hunger is satisfied and it is time now to stop meditation and open the eyes. After opening the eyes, the abhyasi should think for a while and make efforts to remain drowned in the Divine thought which he feels during meditation till he next sits in meditation. This also helps remaining in constant remembrance of God."

Saint sister Kasturi has provided a clarification on this point in simple words. She has suggested "to sit in meditation with efforts to feel drowned in love for God and to continue meditation till the abhyasi feels that his thirst for Divine has been quenched. Now the abhyasi can stop the meditation. In certain cases if abhyasi feels much disturbed, during meditation, by the flowing thoughts, he should open his eyes for a while and try to feel Babuji Maharaj and His Grace, the abhyasi will feel very soon to close the eyes and then again he may continue in meditation."

In fact a regular practice increases all round faculties of an abhyasi and gradually a time comes when the abhyasi starts feeling the Divine consciousness all the time whether he closes the eyes or not. This is what Babuji Maharaj wanted from an abhyasi.

So the duration of time in Puja is decided by the then circumstances. When our object is to be free from all the limitations, we should not bind ourselves by the clock time. We should make our living such which maintains a balance between spiritual and worldly life. With the increase in devotion and blessings of God, an abhyasi starts dwelling in the ocean of Divine love. He starts feeling Divine fragrance all the time which pushes him fast to attain his goal of God Realisation. All the Time becomes His Time.