Thursday, October 11, 2012

" ANMOL-BOL"(Precious Words)"- Of St.Sister Kasturi.

St. Sister Kasturi has always helped the humanity by explaining  about Pujya  Babuji Maharaj in simplest possible words through her talks, speeches and Books. An effort has been made to present a few of her spiritual sayings for the help and guidance of the lovers of God to decide, move and continue on the spiritual path of Sahaj Marg to attain the only goal of human life, i.e., God Realisation.

One thing we should remember that she has always called herself "A Creation of Babuji Maharaj" and has always recommended to Realise the Creator and not the Creation. May the Almighty help all of us in our spiritual journey. This , following, small Booklet contains, both in Hindi and English, Anmol-Bol (Precious words) of St. Sister Kasturi helpful in our spiritual progress; it was published and given as a gift to all abhyasis, on the eve of birthday celebration of St. Sister Kasturi on Oct 7, 2012 , by Sister Kesar at her residence - LUCKNOW----