Thursday, May 24, 2012

Abhyasi's Confusion: What to eat and what not (Part II)

It is a fact that Babuji Maharaj has said, "Meat eating may be beneficial to the body but it is harmful to spiritual upliftment." Even Lord Krishna in his dictates to Babuji Maharaj on 15th October, 1944 had pointed out, "Though meat eating is certainly beneficial for health, seekers of the Divine, should not eat meat. It is harmful for them."

Babuji Maharaj was of the opinion that a person used to wrong things or doing unwanted actions, is like a patient who is suffering from a disease of  ' Wrong Doings '. It is not easy for him to get rid of the disease himself. Babuji Maharaj never said, " leave this or that and then come to me for abhyas". He neither pointed out nor blamed the person for his defects. He simply judged them by the love for Divine in their heart. Being the Supreme Spiritual Doctor, having absolute confidence in his system, he simply prescribed his spiritual medicine, i.e., Meditation, Cleaning, Prayer, Constant Remembrance, to be taken regularly by the patient(abhyasi) to get rid of unwanted things. Abhyasi should make his best efforts to do all actions in Divine Remembrance which develops a balancing smoothness in him with the gradual departure of adverse elements. Cure has been a definite result and time depends on the depth of devotion for taking prescribed medicine. I have myself seen a number of abhyasis cured and touching height of spiritual upliftment. In short Babuji wanted, " Eat to live and do not live to eat. Necessity, however, is a deciding factor in all matters and situations."

A new abhyasi should be told about the efficacy of the system which frees a man from all undesirable things so that he may not entangle himself by brooding over his own defects. In our system, Babuji's role is maximum as compared with the abhyasi. He cures the abhyasis by transmission of Divine Grace. Abhyasi has only to keep himself attached with Him.


  1. Dear Brother Deeraj,

    If Babuji said that meat eating is not beneficial for spiritual progress then those people who are unable to leave it due to their weather conditions then will they not have spiritual progress at all ? please explain.

    Kind Regards.

  2. Hello Mr Rajan,

    I am not the owner of this blog. I merely help Ek Abhyasi in managing it.


  3. Dear Brother Rajan,

    I have tried to explain it in both my entries.

    From the blog -

    In short Babuji wanted, " Eat to live and do not live to eat. Necessity, however, is a deciding factor in all matters and situations."

    As it was pointed in your own response that Babuji had no objection in eating egg by you as suggested by the doctor. It was a Necessity.

    Yours affectionate brother
    Ek Abhyasi

  4. Dear Brother,

    I am very happy to receive your answer for the question. I conveyed same to the abyasi who was highly pleased with the answer.

    Kind Regards.

  5. Dear Brother Rajan,

    Thank you for your reply.

    It is indeed my pleasure that our abhyasi brother's confusion has been resolved. Let us all submit ourselves at the Holy Feet of Pujya Babuji Maharaj and continue to follow his teachings and proceed towards our goal of God Realization.

    Yours affectionate Brother,
    Ek Abhyasi
