Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Favourable Atmosphere For Spirituality ."BABUJI MAHARAJ

Pujya Babuji Maharaj has proved that man can attain spiritual heights easily and in a better way in a Grahastha Ashram (Family Life). To understand this, it is necessary to analyze the effects of atmosphere. Generally it is said that the atmosphere is of two types, i.e., Natural and Man-Made. Natural is one which has been created by God and it is always in the welfare of man. In fact an atmosphere is only one and not of two types. It is Natural. Man adds to it by the thoughts he possesses. Where man does not go or rarely visits the place, there is pure Divine-Atmosphere. Places inhabited by human beings carry a complex atmosphere on account of different variety of persons there. When one feels fed up and tired of such heavy atmosphere, one tries to seek relief by going to such places where either man does not live or only a few countable persons live. In these places the atmosphere is generally pure as compared with a congested city and as such provide more mental comfort.
So the atmosphere is only one pure and simple but addition done by human thoughts creates coverings to it. As a Natural Law, every object has its own smell(good or bad) and thus has a share in building up the atmosphere there. Man too possesses a smell which depends on his thoughts and way of life. On this analogy humanity can be divided into two categories, i.e., Spiritual and Unspiritual. Spiritual category is one in which all have the same goal of life, i.e., God-Realization.The unspiritual category can be divided into two parts, i.e., Good, and Others. The persons in good category are those who believe in doing right actions in every field of life while the others ' category includes those remaining persons who perform their actions according to a particular situation and they are not governed by any hard and fast rule or law.
Before Lalaji Maharaj, generally people had a notion that for Divine Worship one should go far away from the congested cities to some solitary place like forest, hills, or inside caves where the atmosphere is pure. It is a fact that one feels less or no disturbance in Divine Sadhna at such places because here the atmosphere is free from human thoughts. According to Lalaji Maharaj persons doing sadhna at such solitary places may feel that they have acquired a balanced state of mind but when they go in the midst of people, generally they feel disturbed. This indicates that they felt balance where there was no disturbance. Pujya Babuji Maharaj is also of the opinion that, "One can acquire a real balance of mind only in Grahastha Life, because here one is surrounded by different type of problems and has to face a number of hardships. If one acquires a balanced state of mind here then that will be a real balance of mind." Now a question arises that Grahastha life means a place full of problems then how is it possible to acquire a balanced state of mind amidst the problems? The answer once has been given by Babuji Maharaj that, "If in a grahastha life, one deals with the problems without involving oneself with them, the effect of the result, whether favourable or not, will not affect him. This is possible only when one treats everything as one's duty given by God. The sense of duty will save him from attachment with his actions. In such cases as duties are discharged in remembrance of God, one ceases to be the doer of the actions. Here God takes the responsibility."
However, all will agree that one who acquires a balanced state of mind in Grahastha Life, cannot be disturbed anywhere. Thus the atmosphere in Grahastha Life can also be made favourable for spiritual progress. If we do not add thoughts to the atmosphere, the presence of already existing thoughts in the atmosphere will gradually be cleared by diverting the burden of these thoughts to God by a simple thought that they all are from His(God"s)side.These will neutralize the effects of these thoughts on man. God represents Zero and this Divine thought will make everything vanish from the atmosphere.
About miserable problems in grahastha life, Babuji Maharaj has said, "sufferings and miseries have their own place in life. Everyone has his share of it. Even sages of eminence had their own. Had there been no sufferings in the world, man's thought could have never gone upto the reverse side of it, i.e., Bliss." Favouring the atmosphere of grahastha life, Babuji maharaj has further pointed out, "Solitary life in a forest and aloofness from all worldly concerns may be, to some, the means of cultivating patience and forbearance but to us, the taunts and rebukes of our friends and relations are the greatest penance and the surest means of success. In fact to put up coolly with miseries and troubles contributes much to our betterment, hence they are valuable assets to our progress."
So the lightness or heaviness in the atmosphere of Grahastha -Ashram is the result of human thoughts. However, the Divine living releases man from the burden of all sorts of problems of life specially when there is an yogic help of transmission of Divine Grace from a personality like Pujya Babuji Maharaj. Problems will be there but man will not feel their impact. This is a key to a happy life. The Divine living will purify the atmosphere which will prove that the Grahastha Ashram (Family Life) is the best place for Spiritual Sadhna for attaining the best goal of human life,i.e.,God Realization.

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