Saturday, September 8, 2012

Right Suggestion Keeps Human Mind In Balance(Babuji Maharaj)

Mind works on suggestion from Self. On getting suggestion whether from observation or the Inner Being (Self), mind starts the generation of thoughts in that reference. Normally it should stop the generation of thoughts, the moment the requirement of the suggestion is over. From the time of creation of the Universe, human mind continued to behave like this for a quite long time because of Divine purity in it. This indicates its balanced state. But with the passage of time, human mind added one surprising element to itself that it continues producing thoughts even the requirement of suggestion is over. Self tries to stop it but on most of the occasions, mind either continues the generation of thoughts in different ways or continues the repetition of the same thoughts several times.This repetition often results in tiredness, still the man fails to stop it. Man tries to change the place and atmosphere to get rid of such chain of thoughts but he succeeds after a lot of pains that too when these thoughts are pushed up from the physical consciousness to the higher layers of consciousness by some healthy and dominant thought. This may be a solution for the time being for providing relief but in the long run, one day or the other, the presence of such unfinished or complicated files in higher consciousness passes a heaviness in the system and becomes more troublesome when they touch the physical consciousness of the man.
A question arises as to why mind has started behaving like this? The only reply is that the bridles of will power which initially or originally controlled the mind-horse have become very loose and weak resulting in present behaviour of mind. Does this mean that human mind is not in balance; if so then what is a balanced mind? It is a fact that human mind is not in balance because a balanced mind is one which generates thoughts as per requirement of the suggestion and remains at rest till a suggestion again is referred to it by the Self.
Now if we judge ourselves, we will find that we all are facing, generally, the same  problem of unbalanced tendencies of mind. Mind does not obey the orders of Self. Experience tells us that, despite all his best efforts, if a man fails in any field and has no other alternatives, he prays God for help.The very thought of God provides him relief with increasing confidence for better efforts again.To bring mind again in balance two things are necessary as under;
  1. Only right suggestions are to be given to mind;and
  2. Efforts are to be done to clear the higher layers of consciousness from accumulated thoughts which are also called Sanskaras.
Right suggestions are those which are related with human welfare and are in complete confirmation with Nature/God.This enables man to perform right actions. Mind too does not get overburdened because of the presence of Divine purity. Mind, then, generates thoughts as per requirement of the suggestion and not more because the Divine fragrance is there. In such cases, there is a confirmation both of mind and heart. Such combination of mind and heart reflects Divine purity in every walk of life. Babuji Maharaj says, "The first mind was pure and simple and that has woven all our frame and structure. It brought purity with it which is still maintained. So when we begin to give wrong suggestions, the mind which is absolutely pure, expels them in order to maintain its eternal purity. That is the cause of thoughts. In reality, it sends out the contents which appear like fog covering a certain surface. We call them thoughts. When we are attentive to the thoughts, their power develops. If a man wants to work out the problems of life easily, he should give right suggestions to the mind. It is the condition which comes by practice and proper moulding of one's Self". Such living keeps the human mind in calmness and balance because there is no addition of undesirable thoughts. Mind ejects all unwanted thoughts and prefers to discharge all duties of life in Divine remembrance and thus fresh formation of Sanskaras are stopped automatically."
Now the higher layers of consciousness, keeping wanted or unwanted thoughts as Sanskaras since long, need attention. Right suggestions, in Divine remembrance, start melting such accumulation of thoughts. This process becomes very fast if there is help of Divine grace transmitted by any capable guide/person/personality. We are very fortunate that Babuji Maharaj helps every Divine aspirant by transmission of Divine grace. This removes all the dirt from the system, clears all the layers of consciousness from bad or good thoughts and spreads Divine fragrance in the whole system. Once Pujya Babuji Maharaj was telling, "People generally talk about light in the spiritual field while the fact is that we have to get rid of both darkness and light. Both good and bad will also not be there on our march to attain the goal of God realisation. Tam is the last resting place of an yogi."
Now, gradually, a man is becoming fully aware of the fact that only Divine thought brings moderation in the human system. It keeps only that much which is necessary for a man to behave in a normal and natural manner. All the material things will be there for use but the indulgence will not be there. Man starts living a life of attached but detached in every situation. Not only mind but all the faculties will become moderate. Mind will obey orders of the Self . Right suggestions to the mind, are the result of Divinised living. Only this keeps the human mind in balance. A harmonious relation between the heart and mind is the result which keeps everything in balance. This all is a result of a living near Him or in Him which ensures Eternal Happiness.

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